What do we do?
We deliver free, confidential services and support to people who use drugs in the southern bayside area of Melbourne.
We provide:
- Injecting equipment
- Condoms and lube
- Safer using education
- Referral to other services
- Support and information
How can you find us?
Call us on:
0419 204 811
We come to you.
When can you call us?
Monday to Saturday night
7:00pm – 11:00pm
We deliver to you in the southern bayside area
The Mobile Health Outreach Service (MhOS) is an evening delivery service for people who inject drugs. MHOS can bring new injecting equipment and take used injecting equipment to people in the southern Bayside area of Melbourne.
MHOS can:
- Come to you in the southern Bayside area
- Deliver injecting equipment
- Dispose of used injecting equipment
- Provide condoms and lube
- Give you information and safer using advice
- Provide overdose training and naloxone
- Refer you to other services